SA Regional Tourism Summit
Berri Barmera Council 13 Apr 2017

SummitPlus + Breakfast - Media Buzz Breakfast Session at the Berri Hotel

During the Media Buzz Breakfast Session, attendees will hear about the latest media trends from a panel of local industry representatives. What medium is best for your business, organisation or event? Is social media really all it’s cracked up to be and what’s the best way to use it?

Find out this and more from panel members Ben Taylor (The Taylor Group of Newspapers), Alex Milner-Smyth (MediaRoo Communications), Michelle Dalby (Grant Broadcasters Radio Network) and Leah Tripney (WinTV). This session will be MC’ed by Matt Stephens from Business Riverland.

To book your place, please visit

18 May at 6.00pm SA Regional Tourism Summit Closing Dinner - Renmark Club

Join the final session for the SA Regional Tourism Summit on the River at the Renmark Club.

Guest Speaker over dinner is Sean Keenihan (Chairman of Partners – Norman Waterhouse, Chair – South Australian Tourism Commission, Vice President – Australia China Business Council) who will provide delegates with the push they need to implement the ideas gathered during the Summit. Known for his unwavering vision, Sean will inspire you to see past project hurdles, keep the finishing line in view and ultimately implement successful tourism projects and initiatives.

The closing dinner will include the SA Accredited Visitor Information Centre Awards of Excellence.

To book your place, please visit

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