Australia Day celebrations were especially meaningful for five people in Moree Plains Shire as they were welcomed as our newest Australian citizens on 26 January 2018 at the Jellicoe Park breakfast hosted by Moree Lion’s Club.
Mayor Cr Katrina Humphries welcome the conferees as new Australian citizens and asked everyone to take a moment to reflect on the significance of what it means to be Australian.
“Our citizenship is something we should all actively celebrate on Australia Day, whether we are Australian by birth or by choice,” Mayor, Cr Katrina Humphries said.
“We belong to a rich and diverse community and we should strive on this and every day, to celebrate the many people that make our country, and the Moree Plains, a great place to live and work.”
“January 26 is an especially important day for those choosing to become Australian citizens, as they take an exciting step showing their commitment and loyalty to this nation and the desire to share a common future,” she said.
The conferees from Sri Lanka and Fiji celebrated their final stage of their migrant journey and made a commitment to their adopted country and to the Australian values.