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We are aware there have been delays with recycling collections.
Unfortunately our contractor has a shortage of drivers which is continuing to impact collection times. We are working to rectify this issue as a matter of urgency.
Most recycling bins will be emptied today, with some to be collected Tuesday 20 March. Please place your bin out for collection as you normally would and leave it out until collected.
Note: This issue is not associated with China’s recent policy change regarding recycled materials.
Garbage, hard waste and green waste collections have not been affected. We apologise for the inconvenience caused to affected residents.
China’s policy change on recyclingRecent media reports have detailed changes to laws governing recycled waste collected and sent to China for reprocessing. We are considering the implications of the Victorian Government’s recycling support announcement and consulting with our recycling service provider, the Municipal Association of Victoria and the Metro Waste and Resource Recovery Group on this issue.
City of Boroondara will continue to look to the Victorian Government to provide ongoing support and funding to address this state-wide recycling problem.
Residents and businesses should continue to recycle and sort their waste as usual.