Fairfield City Council is encouraging artists from across Australia and overseas to submit an expression of interest for the 2019 Artist in Residence program at Fairfield City Museum & Gallery.

The program provides $5,000 towards artist fees and a further $1,000 towards materials, a three month exhibition in the Stein Gallery, plus a dedicated studio from which to work.

Mayor of Fairfield City, Frank Carbone, said Council is committed to strengthening the cultural and creative life of Fairfield City.

“Our Artist in Residence program is a wonderful opportunity for artists to gain a rewarding experience at Fairfield City Museum & Gallery and immerse themselves into our colourful and diverse City,” Mayor Carbone said.

“Council is proud to be able to provide an opportunity for artists at all experience levels to harness their craft in a tranquil studio environment, helping lead to their future success.”

Proposals should in some way consider or reflect the diverse identities that make up the landscape of Fairfield City including its Indigenous and multicultural communities, the City’s unique social history or the Fairfield City Museum & Gallery site.

“The residency gives artists the chance to engage with our vibrant and diverse community, providing inspiration for their artistic practice and guiding what work they will later exhibit at Fairfield City Museum & Gallery,” Mayor Carbone said.

“Former Artist in Residence Loribelle Spirovski drew much inspiration while participating in the 2017 program, later exhibiting an outstanding collection of portraits that depicted the many unique people who live and work in our fantastic City.

“Loribelle has gone on to be named a finalist in the acclaimed Archibald Prize for the past two years. We’re proud to have been a part of her artistic journey and continue to be inspired by the work of all our Artists in Residence.”

One artist in residence will be chosen, with the residency running for 12 weeks from March to June 2019, culminating in an exhibition in the Stein Gallery in late 2019 to early 2020.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and artists from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Applications close at midnight 17 June 2018. Visit www.fairfieldcity.nsw.gov.au/AiR or call 02 9725 0190 for more information.

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