Published on 24 May 2018
An innovative program that seeks to promote gender equality and inclusion in Macedon Ranges’ sporting clubs and CFA brigades was highly commended for its efforts this week at the National Awards for Local Government.
The awards is an annual celebration of Australian local government achievements and highlights innovative and resourceful solutions that local governments have implemented to make a difference within their communities.
The awards recognised The Rural Challenge Gender Equality Leadership Program, which aims to create more gender equitable CFA brigades and football/netball clubs in the Macedon Ranges and City of Greater Bendigo.
Program participants attend a series of workshops designed to empower leaders to improve gender equality in their organisations by developing their own gender equality action plan.
Council’s Manager Community and Culture Jill Karena said recognition of the value of the program nationally further highlighted the importance of the program.
“Since the program’s inception over a year ago, 15 community organisations have participated, with feedback from them overwhelmingly positive,” she said.
“Each organisation is now actively working toward an improved culture of respect and support, and have developed their own action plans, events and training sessions to continue to support gender equality in their local community.
“We’re proud that this program being recognised for its aims, and even happier that it’s supporting safe, inclusive and respectful environments for the benefit of all.”
The Rural Challenge Gender Equality Leadership Program will run in the Macedon Ranges region in the second half of 2018. CFA brigades and sporting clubs interested in participating in the program should contact Jessica Crofts on (03) 5422 0333 or email [email protected]