The magic of libraries is personal, subjective and multi-faceted; which is why the Big Sky Libraries is surveying residents for their thoughts about the library and how they use it and what could be offered to entice those who don't.
Co-operative Library Manager Sally Walters explained the Library survey is conducted every two years so Big Sky Libraries can better serve the community, but to that, we need help from locals.
“The purpose of this survey is to give library-members and the general public the opportunity to tell us how they feel about the existing library service. The survey asks those who use the library for their feedback on its programs and services; and questions those non-users what services or programs would bring them to the library”.
“Everyone’s responses help shape the direction of the library and help us plan for future services,” said Mrs Walters.
Completing the survey is easy, just click on the link below.
“I encourage everyone to participate and provide feedback in an effort to continuing to improve community libraries,” said Mrs Walters.
Survey Link:
Survey Closes: Sunday 27 May 2018
Prize allocation: $200 visa gift voucher
Notification of winners: 1 June 2018