Pick My Project FAQs
Alpine Shire 24 May 2018

PICK MY PROJECT | Submissions for the State Government’s $30 million community grants program, Pick My Project, are now open.

This new program gives all Victorian residents aged 16 and over the opportunity to submit their ideas for local community projects. Victorians will decide on eligible ideas for their local area through a democratic online voting process.

The program focuses on project ideas that will improve local communities, such as new or improved sport and recreation activities, or programs that support health and wellbeing, innovation and arts and culture.

To submit an idea, residents will be required to identify a local sponsor organisation, such as a council, school or registered not-for-profit community group, to assist in grants administration and support project delivery. Winning projects will be announced in September 2018.

More information is available at the link below.

Connect with Pick My Project on Facebook www.facebook.com/pickmyproject and register your interest at www.pickmyproject.vic.gov.au.