Local Government Elections 2017 - UPDATE

Published: 14 August 2017

On Saturday 9 September 2017 the election of 15 Councillors for Woollahra Municipal Council will take place. There are 5 wards within the Municipal Council area: Bellevue Hill Ward, Cooper Ward, Double Bay Ward, Paddington Ward and Vaucluse Ward.

The election will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council has appointed the NSW Electoral Commission (NSWEC) to administer the election.

For detailed information on the election visit the Vote NSW website.

Election of 15 Councillors

You need to be enrolled to vote for the council where you live

To check your enrolment details visit the NSW Electoral Commission (NSWEC) website or call (details below). To newly enrol, or up-date your details, bring your NSW photo driver licence or NSW Photo Card showing your current address to the polling place, and be ready to provide Australian citizenship details if you were born overseas.

Key dates for the 2017 election

Voting on election day

Voting is on Saturday, 9th September 2017, from 8am to 6pm.

Voting is compulsory for all electors in Woollahra Municipality. The penalty for not voting is $55.

On election day you must vote at a polling place for your ward. There is no absent voting.

Polling places

A full list of all polling places for your ward is available at votensw.info or by calling 1300 135 736.

Voting before election day

Postal voting and pre-poll voting

You may be entitled to a postal or pre-poll vote. For details visit the NSWEC website or call.

Pre-poll venues

Pre-poll voting begins on Monday, 28th August 2017 and ends at 6pm Friday, 8th September 2017.

You can vote in person at the following locations.

Bondi Junction pre-poll Waverley Park Pavilion, Waverley Oval, 49C Bondi Road, Bondi Junction NSW Woollahra Returning Officer's Office Sherbrooke Hall, Hugh Latimer Centre, Cnr William Street and Sherbrooke Avenue, Double Bay NSW Sydney Town Hall 483 George Street, Marconi Room (entry from Druitt Street) NSW. At this venue you can also vote on election day.

For specific opening dates and times of each pre-poll venue visit the NSWEC website or call.

Postal voting

Apply online for a postal vote at www.votensw.info or call 1300 135 736.

Your application must be received by the NSW Electoral Commission no later than 5pm on Monday 4 September 2017.


A full list of candidates for your ward and information on each candidate is available on the NSWEC website or at the Returning Officer’s office.


www.votensw.info or call 1300 135 736

For enquiries in languages other than English call our interpreting service 13 14 50

For hearing and speech impaired enquiries, call us via the National Relay Service on 13 36 77

John Roe Returning Officer NSW Electoral Commission

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