Lyne Park, Rose Bay - Seawall Reconstruction - Stage two

Published: 31 May 2016

Over the last 5 years Council has been progressively undertaking works to renew the seawall in Lyne Park, Rose Bay.  The seawall between New South Head Road and the west side of the Catalina restaurant has been completed.

Council will now begin to reconstruct the seawall between Catalina Restaurant and The Cranbrook’s School Boatshed, a length of approximately 290 metres.  The work will be carried out in stages.

The first stage of construction was from under Catalina Restaurant extending to the Sydney Seaplane Terminal was completed in March 2016. The second stage is now ready for construction and will commence on Thursday 2 June 2016.  It will start at the end of the Sydney Seaplanes Terminal and extend for approximately 60 lineal metres.

View detailed plans of the design and a copy of the Review of Environmental factors: REF Lyne Park Appendix A to C REF Lyne Park Appendix D to F REF Lyne Park Report Appendix C drawings

Notification plans have been posted on site with the above information.

If you require further information, please contact Sam Badalati on 9391 7061.

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