As part of Mitchell Shire Council’s 2016-17 Capital Works Program, two aging bridge structures on Highlands Road, Whiteheads Creek are to be replaced. These bridges are located approximately 17kms east of Seymour between Kobyboyn Road and Fernside Road.
The works will involve the complete removal of the existing bridges and the installation of new pre-cast concrete bridge structures. The works are scheduled to commence on 17 September 2016 and are expected to last 2-3 weeks depending on weather conditions.
To ensure the bridge replacement works can be completed safely and in a timely manner, a road closure will be implemented on Highlands Road between Kobyboyn Road and Fernside Road for the duration of these works.
A signed detour route will be established along Ghin Ghin Road and Goulburn Valley Highway for journeys between Seymour and Highlands. This detour will add approximately 20 minutes additional travel time for a journey between Seymour and Highlands.
Emergency services agencies have been notified of the proposed road closure and will adjust their emergency response procedures for the duration of the works.
These bridges will be replaced at a cost of $600,000 which has been jointly funded by Mitchell Shire Council and the Federal Governments Bridges Renewal Program.
For any enquires regarding the works or proposed road closure please contact the Engineering Services Department at Mitchell Shire Council on (03) 5734 6200.