Council has almost completed an additional $3.4 million program of road works this financial year, thanks to successful applications for Roads and Maritime Service (RMS) grants.

Fairfield City Mayor Frank Carbone said trouble spots across the City were targeted for the upgrades.

“Fairfield City Council constantly monitors our roads and listens to community concerns to identify and address trouble spots for improved safety,” Mayor Carbone said.

“Investing in our roads is investing in the safety of Fairfield City residents and families.

“Our successful RMS applications provide another source of funding so we can do more works on top of our normal operating budget from rates and charges.

“In addition to the $3.4 million grants from RMS, Council has invested $13.3 million on road upgrades.

In the 2018/19 financial year, Council will also invest $13.6 million to renew and upgrade 38km of road.”

Roads repaired under RMS funding this year include: 

• Edensor Road and Duardo Street, Edensor Park;

• Fairfield Street, Fairfield East and Yennora; 

• Hamilton Road, Fairfield; 

• The Horsley Drive and Bronsdon Street, Smithfield; 

• Hackett Road, Abbotsbury;  

• Wearne Road, Bonnyrigg;  

• Benghazi Street and Garrison Road, Bossley Park; 

• Abercrombie Street, Cabramatta West; 

• Avenel Street, Canley Vale and 

• Derby Street, Canley Heights. 

Roads nearing completion of works include: 

• Ferrers Road and Arundel Road, Horsley Park; 

• Wetherill Street and Hassall Street, Wetherill Park and 

• Barker Street and Burr Close, Bossley Park.

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