The City of Wanneroo has announced a $67 million allocation for capital works throughout 2018/19.

The new budget strongly focuses on providing resources to bring greater accessibility to City infrastructure as well as facilities and services, promote active and healthy lifestyles, and connect local communities.

“In recent years we have built many facilities, expanded our infrastructure and worked with the community to enhance our services. This year we are concentrating on improving the connection of those services and facilities to our local communities and fine-tuning them to better suit the needs of our residents,” City of Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts said.

“The City’s budget priorities are a result of the community themes in the Strategic Community Plan 2017/18 - 2026/27, a document built on direct engagement with community groups, local businesses, residents and other stakeholders within the City of Wanneroo.

“This year we’re also driving the importance of active and healthy lifestyles. The works planned to upgrade community and sporting facilities in the City ensures residents have greater opportunities to participate in sport, get involved with their local volunteer club or join a community group.

“Connecting individuals with community through sport, volunteering, leisure and cultural activities or hobbies has substantial benefits to physical and mental wellbeing. As a City, we are committed to giving residents as many opportunities as possible to enjoy their local community,” Mayor Roberts said.

Major projects to come from this year’s capital works budget include $6.9 million for upgrades to existing sporting facilities including $1.7 million towards a new sports amenities building at Edgar Griffiths Park in Wanneroo. A further $2.1 million has been set aside to develop the Neerabup Industrial Area. Several roads will also see upgrades across the City with more than $20 million reserved to ease traffic congestion and increase safety for motorists.

The 2018/19 budget will also support the launch of the City’s new Reconciliation Action and Access and Inclusion Plans that aim to strengthen its diverse community.

“With a Residential Rate rise of only 2% in a rapidly expanding City, I’m proud of how much we are able to achieve due to ongoing efficiencies being implemented by the City, allowing us to provide more for residents,” Mayor Roberts said.

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