Waste App campaign launched
Bega Valley Shire 29 Jun 2018
Waste App campaign launched

29 June 2018

With an increasing number of new innovations and ways to save waste on our minds, Bega Valley Shire Council is launching the Waste App July social media campaign.

The campaign will focus on promoting the features of the free Bega Valley Waste App.

Council launched the App a year ago to encourage people to use their smartphones to keep track of bin collection dates in preference to the printed calendars. Encouragingly more than 6000 people have taken up the opportunity.

Among its key features is the sending of personal reminders to put your bins out, tip opening times, Household Chemical Collection dates, the A to Z of recycling and an easy reporting system for lost or damaged bins.

Council’s Waste Management Coordinator, Joley Vidau, said while she is pleased with the number of people using the App, she encourages more downloads, particularly to keep track of bin collection days.

“The Waste App is the most convenient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to keep track of your bin collections,” Ms Vidau said.

“Other side benefits of the App include significant printing and postage cost savings and the simple fact that printing fewer calendars generates less waste in our shire.

“Last year we (Council) reduced the number of printed collection calendars from 20,000 to 5000 and we also removed the magnets off the back to make them fully recyclable.

“When Costa (TV personality Costa Georgiadis) visited us for the launch of the App he shared some of the things other Councils are doing with their calendars - including taking magnets off and providing separate magnets, which have ongoing use and don’t end up in landfill.

“It is such a simple and brilliant idea - we have always been so focused on making the calendars convenient for people by attaching the magnet to the back so they can hang them on their fridge, but this is a different approach and it is far better for a number of reasons,” Ms Vidau said.

Printed calendars can be collected from Bega Valley libraries or at the Council office in Zingel Place, Bega. You can also request one online at www.begavalley.nsw.gov.au/waste or by phoning 6499 2222.

Waste APP July will feature on the Bega Waste and Recycling Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BegaValleyWasteandRecycling

Photograph: Cr Kristy McBain (Bega Valley Shire Council Mayor) and Joley Vidau (Council’s Waste Management Coordinator) are encouraging people to download the free Bega Valley Waste App.


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