Over 1000 tonnes of recyclables have been collected from the Whitsunday region since kerbside recycling began in November last year.

Whitsunday Regional Council is heralding this significant milestone as a major success, thanking residents for their enthusiasm and dedication to the new service.

Whitsunday Regional Council Mayor Andrew Willcox said the 1000th tonne was collected on 1 June in Rose Bay, Bowen.

“We have reached our target earlier than expected, which is a testament to how passionate our Whitsunday residents are about recycling,” he said.

“We have even higher targets set for the next 12 months and I’m confident our ongoing education and awareness activities will lead to outstanding results.

“Our schools outreach program was rolled out in March across the region to great feedback and we are planning to re-run the program later in the year.

“Over 90 per cent of the Whitsunday region’s recyclable waste is being recycled in Australia, with the remainder being exported to various countries in South East Asia.

“This means there has been very little direct impact from the Chinese ‘National Sword’ legislation, which is good news for Whitsundays residents,” Mayor Willcox said.

Since November, kerbside recycling has been implemented across the region to all single dwellings with rubbish collection service and around a third of all multi-occupancy homes as well.

Council is still working through the complex arrangements for some units on a case-by-case basis and is hoping to provide the service to most dwellings by the end of the year.

Currently, those without kerbside recycling collection, can continue to recycle at Council’s waste transfer stations.

For more information and access to free resources including Info Packs, the A-Z guide and the 2017-18 collection calendar, visit https://www.whitsunday.qld.gov.au/459/Kerbside-Recycling-recyclables

To find out more, contact Council by phone on 1300 WRC QLD (1300 972 753) or by email at [email protected]

For media enquiries, contact: Joanne Hennessy, Engagement & Marketing Coordinator on 07 4945 0614, 0428 954 467 or Email: [email protected]

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