Whitsunday residents will have the opportunity to chat with local author Gail Harvey when she presents her cyclone survival book titled ‘Batten down the Hatches’ at libraries across the Whitsunday region.

The community can meet the author and hear a personal account of survival stories and rebuilding after Cyclone Debbie, plus the author’s tips for being prepared for future cyclones.

The event is free and will include light refreshments. Books will be for sale on the day for a special price of $19.95 with $2 from each sale to be donated to RACQ CQ Rescue.

Times and dates are as follows:

Bowen Library Saturday 23 June - 10 – 11:30 am

Cannonvale Library Saturday 30 June - 10 – 11:30 am

Proserpine Library Saturday 14 July - 10 – 11:30 am

Residents are reminded that for all official advice relating to Cyclone Preparedness and response, refer to the Whitsunday Regional Council Emergency Action Guide located on our website www.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/emergency-action-guide

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