National push for solution to recycling issue

Published on 01 June 2018

Macedon Ranges Shire Council representatives will head to the national capital this month to push for federal government action on the future of recycling.

Mayor, Cr Jennifer Anderson and Acting Chief Executive Officer, Dale Thornton will attend the Australian Local Government Association National Assembly 2018 in Canberra from 17-20 June to advocate for a national solution to the problem.

Council’s representatives will ask the association to advocate for the Federal Government to:

hold an enquiry into the future of the waste and recycling sector in Australia to review the current practices of waste to landfill and recyclables being sent overseas, which are no longer sustainable or viable. implement policy settings that support a philosophy that views waste as a resource and resets the waste and recycling industry to move towards establishing a sustainable and viable waste and recycling resource recovery industry invest in supporting market development, technologies and the associated local industries in creating and expanding potential end market uses of recovered resources.

Convened annually by the Australian Local Government Association, the National General Assembly of Local Government is the peak annual event for local government.

Mayor, Cr Jennifer Anderson, said the event attracted more than 800 Councillors each year.

“This event allows local government to engage directly with the Federal Government to develop national policy,’ Cr Anderson said.

“It’s an opportunity for us to influence the future direction of our councils and our communities, especially in regard to the vital issue of recycling and resource recovery.

“The changes in the recycling industry where offshore processing costs and requirements have increased dramatically has highlighted that this offshore solution is not sustainable and has had a huge impact on local councils.

“Waste and resource recovery is not just a local problem, or a state problem, it’s a national issue.

“We’re calling on our fellow councils around the country to join with us to press the government to implement Australia-wide reforms and initiatives for reducing waste in the first place and ensuring resource recovery and recycling solutions are sustainable both now and into the future.”