Wanneroo Civic Centre recently welcomed 48 visitors from Alinjarra Primary School.

The Year 6 students, who are learning about Civics and Citizenship and the different roles of the three tiers of government, were greeted by Mayor Tracey Roberts and then spent the morning hearing from a variety of City teams including Youth Services, Waste Operations and Rangers.

Youth staff spoke about the many City services and programs on offer during school terms and holidays, as well information on how young people can become involved in Council’s decision making processes.

The students learned about what happens to waste in the City of Wanneroo, and how everyone can make a difference and help protect the environment by reducing, reusing and recycling their waste.

Ranger Gill spoke about the City’s role in community safety, and the importance of being a responsible pet owner. This was followed by a crowd pleasing drone demonstration by Ranger Mark.

Alinjarra Primary teacher Laura Beahan said the visit provided an excellent practical component to the students’ theoretical knowledge of Civics and Citizenship.

“Our students thoroughly enjoyed the excursion to the City of Wanneroo,” Ms Beahan said.

“They could relate to the topics we are covering in class and the hands-on activities were certainly a big hit, particularly the rangers.

“It was a great morning and the students have continued to discuss the visit and the links to their learning in class.”

Mayor Tracey Roberts said it was good to have the opportunity to explain the diversity of local government to the visiting students.

“The students from Alinjarra Primary School were very enthusiastic and it was great to see their reaction to the presentations about the work of local government and hear their feedback,” Mayor Roberts said.

“The City always welcomes the opportunity to connect with our young residents.”

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