The iconic rocket could soon return to one of the city's parks, albeit in a more modern form.

Council recently went out to tender for play equipment designs for the Patton Park upgrade, and received seven responses.

The prospective designs were inspected by the Patton Village Committee at an engagement session with Council staff last week, with the Committee nominating their three preferred designs.

Although the Committee settled on a 'top three', Council's Communications and Engagement Coordinator, Darrin Manuel, said there was a clear favourite on the night.

"The Committee considered all the designs on the table, and they got some eager advice from a few kids in attendance, but there was no doubt the rocket was very heavily preferred," he said.

"It's probably a bit of sentimental favourite and a nod to the city's past, a lot of people remember the old rockets that were in the city's parks until the 90's.

"This design is obviously more modern though, meets all current safety standards, and is surrounded by a great array of other swings and equipment."

Although the rocket design was an early frontrunner, Mr Manuel said the other two preferred designs were also impressive.

"Every company that has come forward with a design has met all our requests around safety, inclusion, and providing adequate shade," he said.

"I think the Committee selected what were arguably the best three designs for the park, and we'll post them on Facebook this afternoon and take the public's opinion on board.

"We'll also work with schools and kindergartens in the South to see which design the kids prefer.

"We'd just like to thank the Patton Village Committee for their ongoing input into the project, they act as great advocates for the South and always have the best interest of their community at heart."