Coorong District Council, in wanting to meet the needs of pets and their owners while respecting the rights of other members of the community and protecting the environment, has released its draft Animal Management Plan, 2018-2023 for community comment. The Council has had a plan in place since 2005, and it has recently been updated to clearly indicate the actions and key performance indicators council will use to achieve its animal management goals and objectives. The draft Animal Management Plan 2018-2023 will continue to guide animal management by the Coorong District Council over the next 5 years. Council is encouraging all pet owners and other interested community members to provide feedback on how it can promote and facilitate responsible ownership of dogs and cats. The draft plan is available on Council’s website, or by visiting any Council office. The community is welcome to make comments and suggestions until 5.00pm, Friday 17 August 2018. Submissions can be posted to PO Box 399, Tailem Bend SA 5260, emailed to [email protected], or hand delivered to any Council office.