Two new shared paths have been completed this month on Queens Road and Argyle Park Road in Bowen, promoting an active lifestyle and a safe transport option for all bike riders.

With a combined length of 2.5 kilometres, the two 2.5 metre wide paths are safe and accessible and aim to encourage residents to ride their bikes or walk around Bowen.

The new shared paths were jointly funded by Whitsunday Regional Council and the Queensland Government’s Cycle Network Local Government Grants Program.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said the paths would help to improve health and fitness in the community.

“We know that, on average, every dollar we invest in bike riding infrastructure will return nearly five dollars in economic benefit to Queensland with improved health outcomes, reduced traffic congestion, and lower transport costs,” Mr Bailey said.

“We are committed to getting more people riding their bikes right across Queensland and are proud to contribute to building a high quality cycling network in Bowen.”

Mayor Andrew Willcox said the high-quality infrastructure would greatly benefit Bowen residents.

“The new paths mean all bike riders, including children and beginners, have the option of riding their bikes separately to the traffic,” he said.

“The wider paths allow both bike riders and pedestrians to move about more safely and easily.”

The shared path on Argyle Park Road was installed on the western side of the road and will improve connectivity through to Queens Beach.

Queens Road also has a new shared path on the eastern side of the road, connecting the Bowen town centre with Mullers Lagoon and Queens Beach.

To find out more, contact Council by phone on 1300 WRC QLD (1300 972 753) or by email at [email protected]

For media enquiries, contact: Joanne Hennessy, Engagement & Marketing Coordinator 07 4945 0614, 0428 954 467 or Email: [email protected]

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