Whitsunday Regional Council will play its role in encouraging and supporting new business to the region, after councillors today voted to develop and deliver a business start-up grants program.

The Council-administered initiative will target small business growth opportunities across the whole Whitsunday Region.

The first ever Whitsunday Regional Council Economic Development Strategy 2017-2021 was adopted in September last year and Mayor Andrew Willcox and councillors are committed to its successful delivery as a road map for the future growth of our region.

Mayor Andrew Willcox said Council is well-positioned to facilitate new business investment with readily-available information on the status of the regional economy, industry trends and locations for investment.

“This program will encourage small businesses to start up, or expand their operations in the Whitsunday Region,” he said.

“Small to medium sized businesses are the backbone of regional communities and with over 3500 small businesses in our region, we need to support and encourage new business growth. “Council is keen to foster and develop innovation and entrepreneurship in the small business sector, and this program will provide grants for people to encourage them to establish or expand their business in the Whitsunday Region,” Mayor Willcox said.

Council’s Executive Officer Economic Development Melanie Davies said the Business Support Program is one of several initiatives identified in the WRC Economic Development Strategy adopted last year.

“Council will be working with key business organisations such as Chambers of Commerce, Tourism Whitsundays, and local trade and retail groups during the development of the program to make sure that it delivers the benefits that small business needs to grow and prosper,” she said.

“Council will be working with experienced business development consultants to deliver the program to make sure it addresses the gaps between existing federal and state funding programs for small business, so that there is not a duplication of resources.”

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