Primrose Park Art & Craft Centre Upgrade

Primrose Park Art & Craft Centre is to be upgraded.

Construction commenced on 09 July 2018 for a duration of four months.

The proposed works will ensure the Centre is transformed to a high standard public facility that is accessible and fire complaint.  The Centre will include a new lift, lighting improvements, additional windows, improved access arrangements and an upgraded photographic darkroom.

As with any construction project, there will be some disruption to the normal functioning of the area for the duration of the works. At this stage, it is anticipated that the majority of the works will be completed by the end of October 2018.

It is anticipated to undertake construction works during weekdays but due to noise restrictions it may be necessary to undertake some of the work on weekends. 

Council will be working closely with the Contractor to minimise disruption to the local community within the constraints of the worksite. However, there will be some unavoidable disruptions to access, parking and pedestrian traffic. Some construction activities will also generate noise.

The statement of heritage impact give an overview of the project

Statement of Heritage Impact (5MB)

More Information 

The Contractor will have a dedicated community liaison officer on site at all times to deal with any concerns. 

If you have any questions or comments in relation to these works or you have any special requirements that we will need to allow for, please do not hesitate to contact Council’s Project Manager Shahid Rehman on 9936 8277 or send an email to [email protected] and we will try to address your concerns as quickly as possible.