Wrap up of July Council meeting -

Mural fails independent assessment

Councillors refused a Development Application (DA) for a Crystal Lane mural after assessments by an independent planning body and the city's Heritage Advisor advised that the DA did not meet local and State legislative requirements, and was unsuitable for its heritage location. The applicant also failed to lodge a Heritage Impact Statement required as part of the DA process.

Council backs call for library funding

A Mayoral Minute called on Council to support a push by the NSW Public Libraries Association and Local Government NSW to increase State funding for libraries. Mayor Turley said the lack of State Government support for libraries had now reached crisis point, with Councils in NSW currently covering 92.5% of the costs of running public libraries, as opposed to 77% in 1980. The Mayoral Minute was supported.

More Civic Centre information to come

A second Mayoral Minute was tabled informing Councillors that a report on costs around the Civic Centre and its associated legal matters would be tentatively scheduled for the August meeting. A separate briefing for Councillors from Council's legal representatives, Redenbach Lee, would also be held.

Commercial dumping fee reversed

A fee increase for the dumping of commercial waste at the Waste Depot was reversed. Although the fee increase was adopted at last month's meeting, the change had been proposed after the public display period for the draft Operational Plan 2018/2019 had begun, and therefore did not allow for submissions to be lodged around the change. The matter will be revisited in next year's Operational Plan.

Council to consider haulage changes

Councillors deferred a request from Perilya to modify its ore haulage route relating to the North Mine. Under the changes trucks would run to the east out of the mine, along Potosi Haul Road before connecting with the Barrier Highway at the Silver Peak Road intersection. From there trucks would continue along the pre-existing haulage route to Perilya's South operations. The mine is also looking to reduce its evaporation ponds. Councillors will take a tour of the route before considering the request at the next Council meeting.