You can stay informed of our engagement opportunities by signing up to the monthly email newsletter. You can also send an email to Council's Community Engagement Coordinator requesting notification of one or more of the consultations when they commence - email Lois Dunkerley
Playground, Campbelltown Memorial OvalCommences: July 2018 In May Council asked the community for ideas for a playground to be installed as part of the Campbelltown Memorial Oval redevelopment. In June, Council will distribute a draft concept plan for the playground (prepared in consideration of the feedback received) to find out if the community thinks we 'got it right'.
Discussion on Bi-Law to Limit Freedom of Cats to RoamCommences: July 2018 Council is wanting to ascertain if the provision of a by-law in relation to limitations of the freedom of domestic cats to roam is supported by the Community or not.
Magill Village Concept PlanCommences: anticipate July or August 2018 Campbelltown and Burnside City Councils are working in partnership to improve the Magill Village area. The next phase of the project involves obtaining feedback from the community on a draft concept plan for the streetscape renewal (a component of the Magill Village Master Plan). For details of this project click here.
Max Amber Sportsfield Master PlanCommences: anticipate July or August 2018 After considering community feedback on a Draft Max Amber Sportsfield Master Plan late 2017, Council resolved to take no further action and requested that Staff investigate options. Click here for further details. Once this work is completed, Council will again seek feedback from the community on a new Master Plan for Max Amber Sportsfield.