Campbelltown City Council is committed to consulting with the community on matters and topics of importance and when community feedback and input can influence a decision to be made.

Current Consultations Draft Reconciliation Action Plan 2018-2020

Following consultation with the community on a preliminary RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan), Council has been working with Reconciliation Australia and Council’s Reconciliation Advisory Committee in preparing its Draft RAP 2018-2020. 

There are four stages of a RAP endorsed through Reconciliation Australia: reflect, innovate, stretch and elevate.  Council is working towards the ‘innovate’ level which states:

“An Innovate RAP outlines actions that work towards achieving your organisation’s unique vision for reconciliation. Commitments within this RAP allow your organisation to be aspirational and innovative in order to help your organisation to gain a deeper understanding of its sphere of influence, and establish the best approach to advance reconciliation. An Innovate RAP focuses on developing and strengthening relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, engaging staff and stakeholders in reconciliation, developing and piloting innovative strategies to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.”

Council is keen to receive feedback on its Draft Innovate RAP 2018-2020 before being formally endorsed by Council.

Downloads Draft City of Campbelltown Innovate RAP(853 kb)

HAVE YOUR SAY in any one of the following ways:

Send an email: Write a letter addressed to: Campbelltown City Council, PO Box 1, Campbelltown SA 5074

Closes:  5pm, Wednesday 15 August 2018  Enquiries: Tracy Johnstone 8366 9214 or

Roaming Cats

Council wants to find out if there is an issue with nuisance cats in the local area and would like to hear from cat owners as well as those who do not own any cats about your experience with roaming cats.

Downloads Feedback Form - Roaming Cats(1174 kb)

HAVE YOUR SAY in any one of the following ways:

Complete and return the Feedback Form (see downloads) » Online: Click here» Mail: download, complete and send to Campbelltown City Council, PO Box 1, Campbelltown SA 5074 » Hand Delivery: download, complete and drop off at Council’s Office, 172 Montacute Road, Rostrevor » Email: download, complete, scan and email to Post a comment: Send a tweet: Send an email: Write a letter addressed to: Campbelltown City Council, PO Box 1, Campbelltown SA 5074

Closes:  5pm, Friday 17 August 2018  Enquiries: 8366 9268 or

Proposed Thorndon Park Miniature Train

Council has been approached by miniature train enthusiasts to establish a miniature railway at Thorndon Park. Council would like to hear what you think about this proposal prior to progressing the project.

Photo used with permission from Clare Valley Model Engineers Inc.


Information Sheet - Thorndon Park Miniature Train(435 kb) Thorndon Park Master Plan showing location of miniature railway(3126 kb) Feedback Form - Thorndon Park Miniature Train(299 kb)

Click here for details of the Thorndon Park Master Plan

HAVE YOUR SAY in any one of the following ways:

Complete and return the Feedback Form (see downloads) » Online: Click here» Mail: download, complete and send to Campbelltown City Council, PO Box 1, Campbelltown SA 5074 » Hand Delivery: download, complete and drop off at Council’s Office, 172 Montacute Road, Rostrevor » Email: download, complete, scan and email to Post a comment: Send a tweet: Send an email: Write a letter addressed to: Campbelltown City Council, PO Box 1, Campbelltown SA 5074

Closes:  5pm, Friday 17 August 2018  Enquiries: 8366 9268 or

Automatic Notification

Some of Council's consultations will involve an email direct to our Online Community Panel members to obtain their feedback. Don't miss out on having your say on these consultations - join the Panel today (it only takes a couple of minutes to join).