27 July 2018
Bega Valley Shire Council is putting local businesses first by becoming one of the first Councils in NSW to adopt a low upfront charge model for collecting business Water Supply and Sewerage Section 64 contributions.
It had been identified that the previous requirement to pay upfront could be seen as a deterrent to development in the Shire, with many businesses required to pay large amounts before the first customer even walked through the door.
The Section 64 headworks charges apply for commercial and industrial developments that place an additional load on water supply and sewerage systems.
The new high consumption system introduces a user-pays model, making the system fairer, more affordable, more transparent and more attractive to business.
Council’s Water and Sewerage Assets Development Engineer, David Rodgers, said the new system will remove a significant financial deterrent to new businesses, or those relocating to new premises.
“Importantly all commercial and industrial customers will now pay for the water and sewerage service capacity they actually use, instead of paying upfront for their predicted use,” Mr Rodgers said.
“We are very happy to better support small business in particular through taking this step and we feel strongly that it will encourage business growth and new start-up businesses.
“It will also act as an incentive for businesses to reduce their water consumption, with those using less water consequently paying less.
“The change is not retrospective, with the high consumption charge to be activated when a Certificate of Compliance for water supply and sewerage is issued,” Mr Rodgers said.
For more information on the changes, visit Water & Sewerage Contribution Charges
Photograph: BVSC is supporting business growth and new start-up businesses by becoming one of the first Councils in NSW to adopt a low upfront charge model for collecting business Water Supply and Sewerage Section 64 contributions.
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