Bellingen Branch Libraries are once again forging ahead in the e-lending and digital environment by introducing the number one library download platform in the world where customers can borrow 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

BorrowBox is a user-friendly app that enables library customers to download and borrow eBooks and eAudiobooks via digital loans. Whether using a smart phone, iPad or a home computer or with Apple IOS and Google Android devices, BorrowBox means the doors to your library never close.

According to Bellingen Shire Librarian, Jill Haynes “BorrowBox will provide a great range of eAudiobook titles for adults, young adults and children so if you’re going on a long car trip, drive to work every day or simply enjoy the experience of listening to expertly narrated books then this will be the simplest way to get your hands (and ears) onto them.”

The selection of both eBook and eAudiobooks available through BorrowBox will include the very best of Australian, New Zealand and international authors.

“Authors include big names such as Lee Child, Di Morrissey, Kate Morton and Andy Griffiths among others. We will also be adding some great non-fiction titles, including Lonely Planet guides.” Added Ms. Haynes.

Your library service is committed to giving the community the best possible access to all our services and this is yet another step in that direction.

As of 2nd July Bellingen Shire Library members will be able to access the collection after downloading the BorrowBox app. Full details will be available on the library website at or call into your nearest Library.