Have your say on plans for replica horse trough in Macedon

Published on 27 August 2018

Residents can now have their say on plans to install a replica concrete horse trough on a site in Smith Street, Macedon.

The Macedon and Mount Macedon Business and Tourism Association Inc. (MMMBATA) would like to install the horse trough opposite the Macedon Railway Hotel, and would like feedback on the trough design and proposed location.

The association wants to install a replica ‘Annis & George Bills’ horse trough on the site to reinstate an original feature of the streetscape that was damaged beyond repair in the Ash Wednesday fires. It is a free-standing trough constructed of steel reinforced concrete with a ‘doggy’ drink bath alongside. It will be fitted with an automatic ball float valve to maintain a controlled amount of water in the trough. The horse trough will be built using ‘lost trades’ methods and from handmade moulds.

The horse trough will not only serve the many horse riding and pony clubs in the area but provide drinking water for dogs being walked. Horse riders still tether their horses at the site while riders are in town. A new hitching rail at the horse trough will allow horses to be tethered when resting in town after a ride.

Interpretative signage alongside the trough will enable passers-by to learn more about the historical significance of ‘Bills’ horse troughs, which date back to the 1800s.

To fulfil the requirements of Council’s Memorial Policy approval process, the MMMBATA is seeking community feedback on the idea and invites people to have their say by emailing [email protected] To receive a project summary, survey and reply paid envelope, contact Jodie Turner at Council on (03) 5422 0247.

Feedback is invited until Wednesday 26 September 2018.