Councillor Column - Walkable neighbourhoods
City of Bayswater 29 Aug 2018

Street trees are a vital ingredient in creating more liveable places. This winter we've increased the number of trees planted on verges throughout the City, as one way of helping to address the metropolitan-wide decline in urban tree canopy coverage.

I'm especially excited to see more greenery in our town centres, like the fourteen much-needed trees that were planted last week along the verges near Coles in Maylands. The real benefits will be felt as those trees grow and provide welcome shade for pedestrians. Leafier streets encourage people to get out and walk (or bike) through their neighbourhoods to local destinations, which can only be a good thing for our sense of community and for local businesses.

Ensuring that our footpaths are clear from any obstructions, including parked cars, is also crucial in encouraging people to walk more locally. The City’s Local Laws prohibit parking on footpaths, and our rangers have the power to give fines of $100.  

The Community Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee (CAIAC) recently discussed this issue due to its major impacts on people with disabilities, seniors and parents with prams. Having to go around a car blocking the way can be more than just a nuisance; it can also be a safety issue if people are forced to go onto the road or on an uneven verge.

Cr Elli Petersen-Pik (CAIAC chair)