Work is set to begin on the first stage of the Marmion Avenue Dualling Project next month.

A second carriageway will be constructed on the 1.2km section adjacent to Alkimos Vista Estate, Alkimos.

Work will begin in September and is expected to be completed in February 2019.

Traffic management arrangements will remain in place until the works have been completed.

Road users are advised to follow the signage and be aware that some traffic disruptions may occur during this time.

This is the first of an expected three-stage $23 million project funded by the State Government, which will continue the dualling of Marmion Avenue from Butler to Yanchep.

“We are thrilled that this substantial project is about to begin,” Mayor Tracey Roberts said.

“The northern corridor is experiencing considerable growth and is already under tremendous traffic pressure.

“The dualling of this 11.5km stretch of road will increase capacity on Marmion Avenue and decrease congestion at intersections, better facilitating the movement of traffic in our northern suburbs.”

The complete project is expected to be finalised by early 2020.

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