As part of Council’s Growth Management Study, ‘Homes for Our Future’, Project, Bellingen Shire Council wants to see what our residents love about their neighbourhood and what makes them smile in their street.

It’s no secret that visitors love the festivals, cafes, galleries and sustainable living but we want to know what the locals value and what makes it special to them.

So grab your camera and send your best shots to: [email protected] along with your full name, email address and phone number. 

Photographs must be of Bellingen Shire and include a short note about the photo and where it was taken.

First prize: $500, 2nd prize: $250, 3rd prize: $100.  Three entries selected at random will receive $50 each.

Entries will be judged by a panel including Mayor Cr Dominic King, and local photographers Jay Black and Gethin Coles. Photos will be accepted until the end of August with winners announced on 19 September 2018.

For terms and conditions visit Council’s Create Community Engagement Hub at