The Whitsunday Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) is calling on residents across the region to ensure their property numbers are clearly visible from the street to assist emergency services to respond effectively to a call for assistance.

Mayor and Chair of the LDMG Andrew Willcox said the importance of undelayed emergency service access should not be underestimated and we can all do our bit to help.

“It has long been identified that a high proportion of houses in the region do not have a clearly visible number from the street,” Mayor Willcox said.

“Agencies such as the Queensland Ambulance Service, Queensland Police Service and Queensland Fire and Emergency Services are there to provide us with lifesaving support and assistance, and every second counts.

“We, as residents, should do all that we can to prevent delays through this simple act of communication.”

Alec Brimacombe from Queensland Ambulance Service said that when house numbers are clearly displayed this greatly assists paramedics to locate the correct address and provide emergency care to those in need without delays.

Below are some tips for rural and urban residents to consider: •The numbers displayed should be reflective both day and night and the numbers should be attached to a letterbox, a post, a dedicated board or the boundary fence. •If you have requested the assistance of the emergency service, if possible, send someone to flag them down outside your address. •Teach children their address from an early age. •If you live off a main roadway, please provide as much detail as possible to the call handler. •Be aware of your surroundings, are there any distinctive features? A post box, monument or a bridge? •If you live in a flat above a business, ensure your access door has a number on it •If you own a business, ensure it is also clearly labelled. If your business premise has multiple entrances, ensure appropriate signage is in place for all entries.


For media enquiries, contact: Lisa Maher, Senior Communications Officer 07 4945 0204, 0408 713 243 or Email: [email protected]

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