The Tasmanian Honour Roll of Women was established in 2005 by the Tasmanian Government to honour Tasmanian women who have made an outstanding contribution to the State.

The Honour Roll stimulates community involvement in the processes of research and discovery about women’s historical and contemporary contributions to Tasmania, ensuring these achievements are given full recognition and not forgotten in the passage of time. Download the flyer (PDF, 1.05MB)

To find out more about nominating a woman or organisation for the Tasmanian Honour Roll of Women go to the nomination forms.

We pay our respects to those members who appear on the Honour Roll.

May they inspire and motivate future generations of young women to make a difference in their own way.

Warning: These pages may contain images of deceased Aboriginal women which may offend Aboriginal and Torres Strait people.

2017 inductees

The Minister for Women, Jacquie Petrusma MP, has announced the Tasmanian Honour Roll of Women 2017 inductees. View 2017 inductees.

To find out more about a current Honour Roll inductee, choose the first letter of their surname from the list below:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | View inductees by year of induction | Category

Adams, Gwendolyn Isabelle AM (Inducted in 2005 for service to Agriculture, service to the Environment) Ahearn, Patricia (Pat) (Inducted in 2006 for service to the Community, service to Education and Training) Andersch, Lynette (Lyn) Anne (Inducted in 2007 for service to Multicultural Affairs) Andersen, Clair (Inducted in 2005 for service to Education and Training) Andrew, Wendy (Inducted in 2015 for service to Environment, Local Government, Planning, Engineering and Architecture) Andrews, Gloria (Inducted in 2013 for service to Aboriginal Affairs) Archer, Dr Geraldine (Inducted in 2005 for service to Medicine, service to the Community, service to the Environment) Australian Women's Army Service (Tasmanian Division) (Inducted in 2013 for services to Defence) Australian Women's Land Army (Tasmanian Division) (Inducted in 2011 for service to Defence)