Flag-raising celebrates Indian Independence Day
Ballarat (City) 14 Aug 2018

A special flag-raising ceremony will mark Indian Independence Day in the heart of Ballarat tomorrow. 

India celebrates its Independence Day on 15 August each year, commemorating the nation’s independence from British rule on 15 August 1947. 

The flag-raising ceremony has been organised by the Ballarat Indian Association. The non-profit, non-political organisation was formed in 2007 by a group of Indian Australians to socialise, keep Indian culture alive in Ballarat and to welcome Indian migrants and people of Indian descent. 

The Association works to promote and develop goodwill, harmony and understanding between Indian Australians and the wider community. 

It also helps students and families from Indian backgrounds adapt to the Australian way of life, providing information about services, such as health and transport, and the Association also organises cultural events.