(6/9/2018) Woolstores development recommended for approval
City of Fremantle 6 Sep 2018

The latest proposal for the redevelopment of the Woolstores Shopping Centre in Fremantle has been recommended for approval by Fremantle Council’s planning committee.

The proposal involves the refurbishment of the existing shopping arcade and a six storey addition, and includes new retail and office space, a basement carpark and a 141 room hotel.

It also involves alterations to the existing facades on Cantonment Street and Elder Place and minor alterations to the existing carpark.

Last night the planning committee recommended the development be approved, subject to certain conditions.

The project will now be referred to the Metro South West Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) for a final decision.

Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettitt said the Woolstores redevelopment was another vote of confidence in the future of Fremantle.

“Fremantle recently recorded another record high for building approvals, with $313 million worth of commercial and residential property developments approved in the 2017/18 financial year,” Mayor Pettitt said.

“In fact, in three out of the past four years the value of building approvals in Fremantle has exceeded $250 million.

“If it’s approved by JDAP, the redevelopment of the Woolstores Shopping Centre will help to continue that trend and contribute to the ongoing revitalisation of Fremantle’s East End.”

A final decision on the development is expected to be made by JDAP later this month.