Whitsunday Regional Council continues to be rewarded for their innovation picking up a Queensland Water Awards gong on the weekend.

Council’s Whitsunday Water Department picked up the Infrastructure Project Innovation Award at the Australian Water Association – Qld Water Awards in Brisbane.

The project nominated was for the recent $1.1m solar and generator upgrade at the Bowen Water Treatment Plant, which was co-funded by Whitsunday Regional Council and the Queensland Government.

WRC CEO Barry Omundson said Council is always looking for innovative solutions to provide a more efficient service to the community.

“This outstanding project will reduce operational costs by over $250,000 per year,” he said.

“The solar and generator upgrade will also assist in keeping the water flowing to Bowen when major power outages occur during events like Tropical Cyclone Debbie.

“Thanks to this project Council has already saved enough power to run a TV for 2.8 million hours, and offset the carbon footprint of 165 cars for a year.

“It is great to see our Council and our community be recognised improving the sustainability of the Whitsunday Region.”

This project has also been selected as a finalist in upcoming Australian and International awards – so stay tuned.

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