(11/9/2018) Freo Bike Plan under review
City of Fremantle 11 Sep 2018

The City of Fremantle is asking cyclists about their experiences riding around Freo as part of a review of the City’s bike plan.

The City of Fremantle Local Bicycle Plan was adopted in 2014 with the goal of doubling the number of bike trips in Fremantle by 2018 by providing better cycling infrastructure, reducing the barriers to cycling and encouraging more people to ride a bike.

Mayor Brad Pettitt said the review of the bike plan would confirm whether Fremantle was on track to become the most bike-friendly city in Australia.

“When the bike plan was adopted in 2014 just under three per cent of trips to work in Freo were by bike, which was higher than most of Australia but way behind a lot of cities in Europe,” Mayor Pettitt said.

“Through our One Planet strategy we have a commitment to promote sustainable transport, and over the past decade we’ve invested millions of dollars to make cycling a safer and more attractive option.

“This review of the bike plan will help us find out if we’ve met our target of doubling cycling rates, and also identify gaps in the cycling network and further opportunities for improvement.

“If you’re a regular bike rider we’d love to know why you’re riding, where you’re riding and who you’re riding with, and if you don’t ride we’d like to know what would help to get you on a bike.”

Since 2013 the City of Fremantle has installed 2.3km of on-road bike lanes and 1km of new bike paths, upgraded six key intersections with bike head-start facilities and rolled out Bicycle Awareness Zones over 6km of local and city centre roads.

The City has also upgraded more than 2km of path along popular coastal routes, installed more than 160 bike parking bays and added green bike lane treatments at intersections along four major roads.

Cyclists can provide their feedback on Fremantle bike network by completing a survey on the City’s My Say Freo website.

They can also map their regular routes and good bike spaces, highlight problem areas and share ideas on an interactive map.

The survey is open until 9 October, with a new bike plan expected to be presented to the council for endorsement early next year.

For more information visit the Bike Plan Review on My Say Freo.