One Night at the Museum, Fairfield City’s annual twilight performing arts showcase, returns this month to captivate audiences.

The Fairfield City Museum & Gallery will open the doors to its Vintage Village on Friday 21 September from 6pm to 8.30pm for a collection of bright, thoughtful and interactive performances.

The theme for this year’s event is Who Am I?, which will explore notions of individuality; personal, social and cultural identity as well as the politics of identity in Western Sydney through artistic practices and performances.

Fairfield City Mayor Frank Carbone said the popular event never fails to impress and challenge.

“Western Sydney, and especially Fairfield City, is well known as a breeding ground for arts and culture, and One Night at the Museum is the perfect showcase of our region’s talents,” Mayor Carbone said.

“Your Fairfield City Museum & Gallery has done a wonderful job in assembling a diverse line-up of talent that will entertain and challenge the way you think.

“Join in the fun as local artists and school students deliver their insight into our unique and rich culture in an entertaining and accessible way.”

The evening will feature works by artists Edison Chen, Marian Abboud and Linda Brescia, the Fairfield High School Intensive English Centre and Canley Vale High School.

There will be films and shorts by CuriousWorks and Made in the West screened on the large outdoor inflatable screen, which can be enjoyed with complimentary popcorn and beanbags.

Performance from PYT Fairfield’s PILOTS Youth Ensemble, edgy pop musician Sepora and a drumming performance by ‘Healing Through Evan Yako's Drumming’, courtesy of Cabramatta High School Intensive English Centre will be held throughout the evening.

You can also try out the Bear-Ometer of Positivity. Tweet positive messages to the bear to make it inflate. The more positive messages it detects, the larger it grows.

Read to ME will hold live performances of comic book readings, and there will be zine-making and screen-printing stations run by Carizza Teague and Phoenix Eye.

There will also be plenty of refreshments available during the evening.

Visit for further event details and to register for a free ticket.

Event details

One Night at the Museum: Who Am I? – Free Entry

Friday 21 September, 6pm–8.30pm Fairfield City Museum & Gallery 634 The Horsley Drive, Smithfield Parking off Oxford Street

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