Nominations for the 2019 Australia Day Awards are now open to residents in the Whitsunday Region.

Mayor Andrew Willcox is calling on all residents to take time out of their busy lives to nominate someone special for a 2019 Australia Day Award.

“Residents can complete the form online making it quick and easy to nominate someone special living in our community.

“The awards present an opportunity for a range of Whitsunday individuals and groups to be recognised for their outstanding achievements and if you think about it, I’m sure you know at least one person worthy of this recognition.

“I personally know of many people throughout this great region that are generous and talented individuals that make selfless contributions for the happiness of others. That is why we celebrate Australia Day and what it means to be Australian.

“Take the time to nominate someone you know whether it be a neighbour, colleague or friend; entry is free and open to all members and groups.”

Categories include:

• Citizen of the year (27 years and older) • Senior Citizen of the Year (60 years or older) • Young Citizen of the Year (16 to 26) • Junior Sports Person (up to & including 18 years) • Senior Sports Person (19 years and older) • Sports Administrator (e.g. coach, official or administrator) • Junior Cultural (up to & including 18 years) • Senior Cultural (19 years and older) • Community Event of the Year (non-profit) • Wally Hinschen Volunteer of the Year Award (applicable to towns in south of region only)

The ages listed above are ‘as at 26 January 2019’. Nominations close 5pm, Wednesday 31st October 2018.

Australia Day Awards and celebrations will be conducted across the Whitsunday Region with further information on these events to be made available at a later date.

Nominations can be made online at Your Say Whitsunday -

PDF copies of the nomination can also be printed from the Your Say website or you can collect one in person from any of Council’s Customer Service Centres at 52 Main Street, Proserpine, Whitsunday Plaza Cannonvale, 67 Herbert Street, Bowen or the Corner Stanley & Conway Streets, Collinsville.

For enquiries, please call Council’s Events Coordinator, Elizabeth Youd, on 1300 WRC QLD (972 753).

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