(13/9/2018) Freo thinkers on show at TEDxFremantle
City of Fremantle 13 Sep 2018

Ten of Fremantle’s most creative thinkers will be showcased to a global audience this weekend when the public speaking phenomenon TEDx hits town.

Drawing on the theme of Perception vs Reality, the eclectic line-up of speakers will include cancer research advocate Moira Clay, forensic biologist Paola Magni, respected Nyoongar elder Noel Nannup and pioneering piano teacher Anneka Pearton. 

Organiser Tara DePaolo said she was thrilled by the public enthusiasm for Fremantle’s first TEDx event.

“We’ve been completely blown away by the response from sponsors and supporters, people wanting to speak at the event and also people wanting to be in the audience,” Ms DePaolo said.

“Tickets sold out in 40 minutes so unfortunately there are a lot of disappointed people who missed out, but it will be webcast live on Facebook and they’ll still be able to tune into the TEDTalks YouTube channel to see the presentations.

“Given the response that we’ve had we’ll certainly be looking into staging more TEDx events in Fremantle in future.

“TEDTalks has 10 million subscribers on YouTube so this is a great way to showcase Fremantle to the world.”

TED is a non-profit organisation devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks of 18 minutes or less.

It began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages.

The two annual TED Conferences invite the world's leading thinkers and doers to speak, with their talks then made available for free at www.ted.com.

Previous TED speakers have included Bill Gates, Jane Goodall, and Sir Richard Branson. TEDTalks are viewed 100 million times every month, or 1.2 billion times a year, by people throughout the world.

TEDx events are a program of local, self-organised events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience, combining TED Talks videos with live speakers.

TEDxFremantle, supported by the City of Fremantle, is being held on Sunday at the University of Notre Dame.

For more information and to watch the live webcast visit the TEDxFremantle Facebook page.