Time Capsule Recovered During Foreshore Works
City of Rockingham 13 Sep 2018

During the dismantling of the Rockingham Founders Memorial Clock at the intersection of Patterson Road, Parkin Street, Kent Street and Railway Terrace, construction teams also retrieved a chunk of Rockingham history.

A time capsule from 2001 was recovered, some 17 years before it was originally planned to be retrieved in 2035.     

Mayor Barry Sammels, who was involved in the burial of the capsule in 2001, said it contained coins, notes, letters and other sentimental items from local residents, councillors and school children alike.

“Many people in the City had forgotten the time capsule was there, so to retrieve it was quite an exciting development,” Mayor Sammels said.

“A lot has changed in the City and the world since 2001 and it would be exciting to find out what residents left in the capsule back then.

“However, in respect of the original plan the City won’t be opening the capsule until 2035.

“As the Rockingham Beach Foreshore Revitalisation progresses the City will investigate the best way to re-bury the capsule once the project is finished in 2019.”

City of Rockingham resident Cherice Ogilvie, who was a teenager at the time the capsule was buried, said her parents had put items in the capsule including a letter addressed to her.

Ms Ogilvie said while her family couldn’t remember what was written in the letter, they were excited to see the capsule resurface as part of the foreshore revitalisation works.   

The Rockingham Founders Memorial clock was also the site of another time capsule which was buried in 1979 as part of statewide celebrations marking the 150th anniversary of the Swan River Colony’s foundation.

It was then dug up on 19 May 2001, before the present day capsule was buried with new items inside it.

Both the time capsule and the artwork from the Rockingham Founders Memorial Clock will be retained as part of a revitalised foreshore once construction on the project is complete. 

Images: During works on the Rockingham Beach Foreshore Revitalisation construction teams retrieved a time capsule from 2001. Pictures: City of Rockingham