City Recognised With Awards
City of Rockingham 13 Sep 2018

The awards, which were hosted at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre by the Public Health Advocacy Institute of Western Australia, recognised the strategies local governments are undertaking to promote and improve the health of children in the community. 

During the event the City won the Early Literacy category thanks to the Paint Rockingham REaD project – a partnership between the City’s Community Capacity Building and Library Services teams, as well as the Rockingham Early Years Group.

It was also the winner for the Smoke Free Environment award, with the City’s innovative Summer Series and family friendly approach a major key to success.

The City’s Junior Council program also played an important role as the City received commendation for children’s consultation.

City of Rockingham Mayor Barry Sammels hailed the contribution of the teams involved in the City’s success.

“It’s a pleasure to see the programs and policies adopted by the City receive recognition on such a major stage,” Mayor Sammels said.

“The Paint Rockingham REaD campaign, Summer Series and Junior Council highlight the fantastic opportunities available to young people in the City.

“It’s great to see the positive impacts these policies are having on the physical and mental health of children in our community.” More than 30 local governments were recognised for their contribution to improving and promoting the health of children at the 2018 Children’s Environment and Health Local Government Policy Awards.

Image: Local Government Minister David Templeman and City of Rockingham councillor Andrew Burns, who collected the award for Early Literacy on behalf of the City.