City to Celebrate National Reconciliation Week
City of Rockingham 13 Sep 2018

National Reconciliation Week is held every year in late May and early June as the dates mark the anniversaries of the historic 1967 Referendum and the landmark Mabo decision in 1992. The theme this year is ‘Don’t Keep History a Mystery’, offering the community the chance to learn about Australia’s shared histories, cultures and achievements.

As part of the City’s acknowledgement of National Reconciliation Week, banners are set to be displayed on Central Promenade in Rockingham for the entire week.

This is part of a project coordinated by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, that will involve 360 banners being displayed across the state, featuring the work of artist Katie Ward.

City staff and elected members will also join the Aboriginal Advisory Group and other key stakeholders for a screening of the award-winning documentary The Coolbaroo Club.

In line with celebrations, Mayor Barry Sammels said the City was currently developing its third Reconciliation Action Plan.

“This plan will outline how the City will continue to develop opportunities for Aboriginal people, foster respect for Aboriginal culture and build relationships that support reconciliation,” Mayor Sammels said.

Photo: Highly respected Elder Mrs Theresa Walley, Mayor Barry Sammels and Mr Ashley Garlett, Chairperson of the City’s Aboriginal Advisory Group, with one of the banners that will be on display during National Reconciliation Week.