Green Army Makes a Big Difference
City of Rockingham 13 Sep 2018

The two City of Rockingham teams each comprised nine participants and a Team Supervisor. They were tasked with projects which would rejuvenate Rockingham’s coast and natural areas, helping restore Perth’s coastal corridor to increase natural resilience and protect habitat of the threatened Carnaby’s black cockatoo.

During the past seven months our Green Army teams have made a major contribution to our local environment, planting over 10,000 native plant species, conducting surveys to obtain information on the population of local nesting black cockatoos and frogs at Tamworth Swamp, removing invasive weeds, and installing control structures and fencing to protect coastal dunes from the effects of erosion.

City of Rockingham Deputy Mayor Deb Hamblin said: “The City is really pleased to have been a project host for two Green Army teams – it’s been a fantastic success. They have put in a lot of hard work and their efforts have been greatly appreciated by the City and by the entire community”. 

Green Army participants are also completing four nationally accredited units in conservation and land management during the training program. They are learning a multitude of life skills and hope to further their studies and employment in the areas of Horticulture, and Conservation and Land Management.

Half of the participants finished their traineeship in January 2018, and other half will conclude at the end of March 2018. Their contribution to the community has been invaluable, they have learnt a great deal, built long lasting friendships, and gained the experience of a lifetime.