2017 Customer Satisfaction Survey Results
City of Rockingham 13 Sep 2018

The survey is one of the tools the City uses to ensure it is meeting the Community Aspirations identified in its Strategic Community Plan 2015-2025.   The City’s overall performance score has steadily improved, rising from 3.7 (out of a maximum of 5) in 2009, when the survey was first conducted, to the current rating of 4 out of 5.   The survey was mailed at random to approximately 10,000 households. Residents were asked to rate a range of facilities and services provided by the City, ranging from libraries, footpaths and cycle ways, to community health and wellbeing. Almost 2,000 completed surveys were returned, representing a return of approximately 20%. The high number of responses confirms that the potential for error in the data is very low. This means the data are a true reflection of the community’s perception, and be reliably used as the basis for decision making.   Areas that customers were most impressed with were the City’s rubbish and recycling services, libraries, parks and gardens and sporting facilities, with 80% of respondents rating the City’s delivery of these services as being done ‘Well’ or ‘Very well’. Another highly rated area of City operations is communication, with 78% of respondents rating their interaction with the City as being handled ‘well’ or ‘very well’.     From an information sharing point of view, the City Chronicle newsletter remains the preferred way to receive news about the City, but electronic newsletters are also becoming more popular. Residents are encouraged to sign up for Rock Port (cityrockport.com.au) and opt-in to receive the City Chronicle electronically to help reduce our environmental footprint and lower our printing costs.   The survey is an important way to find out where we can do better. Building approvals, attracting new businesses to the area, and dog and cat management are areas where customers would like to see improvement.   “The City is committed to improving services for customers and identifying areas that need more attention,” Mayor Sammels said. “The outcomes of this survey assist us in our decision making, so I would like to thank everyone who took the time to participate.”   “We were really happy with the level of response we received and will use that feedback to help improve the City’s services and address the areas of priority for the year ahead”.

For more information, view the results of the 2017 Customer Satisfaction Survey.