Traffic changes on the way for Bayshore Drive
Byron Shire Council 3 Sep 2018
Traffic changes on the way for Bayshore Drive

Published on 03 September 2018

Traffic flows on Ewingsdale Road will change in mid September as the construction of the new Bayshore Drive roundabout moves into the next stage.

There will be significant changes to the way traffic enters and leaves the Byron Arts and Industrial Estate when the contractors, SEE Civil, start work on the second half of the roundabout. 

Access to Bayshore Drive will only be available for vehicles travelling from the direction of the Pacific Motorway.  Traffic coming from Byron Bay will enter the Arts and Industrial Estate via the Sunrise Boulevard Roundabout or Banksia Street.

Motorists leaving the Arts and Industrial Estate will need to go via Banksia Street or the Sunrise Boulevard Roundabout.

“We know this will inconvenience some businesses and visitors and we will be doing everything we can to ensure this job is completed as quickly as possible,” Phil Holloway, Director Infrastructure Services, said.

“The end result will be a brand new roundabout and safer access in and out of Bayshore Drive which will benefit everyone,” he said.

Council is notifying residents and businesses in the Bayshore Drive, Arts and Industrial Estate and Sunrise Estate areas of the traffic changes by letter and will be hosting information sessions in the lead-up to the traffic changes.

“We are doing everything we can via signage and letters, advertisements and website information to keep everyone up-to-date with the progress of work on the roundabout and traffic changes.”

The new $5.6 million Bayshore Drive Roundabout is being funded by the Australian Government’s Building Better Regions’ fund. 

The current pace of work and dry weather should have the roundabout open by Christmas this year, with some minor works to then be done in January 2019 to finish the project completely.

For further information contact Josh Winter, Engineer, on 6626 7074.