- Director Infrastructure and Environment Terry Demeo
Nolan Street upgrades Nolan Street has been significantly impacted by the construction project currently taking place at the Ballarat Railway Station precinct. As a result of additional heavy vehicle traffic the road is in less-than-ideal condition.
There are major works proposed for Nolan Street, which will include a new road into the station precinct with traffic signals. The City of Ballarat is working with the state government on this upgrade after successfully advocating for a signalised intersection at this location.
This project will also see major road surface upgrades in the area. Works will be timed to ensure the upgrades are not impacted by the current works taking place within the station precinct. However the site is being monitored in the meantime, and potholes will be filled when required.
We’re also exploring further long-term options for the Havelock and Ligar Street intersections on Nolan Street.
Eastwood Street carpark The City of Ballarat regularly monitors the road surface at this carpark, patching potholes as they appear. This work is ongoing given it is subject to significant wear and tear, and as a result we have Flowcon trucks visiting the site almost every week.
For more information about road maintenance, and details on how to report issues, visit: ballarat.vic.gov.au