There may be one day in January set aside for Global Community Engagement Day, but it’s community engagement day every day at the City of Ballarat.
Approximately 25,000 have visited the City of Ballarat’s mySay website so far this year, with more than 4000 people contributing to one of 20 surveys uploaded in 2018.
More than 1000 of these contributions have been made on the Proposed Smarter Parking Plan.
This is one of eight surveys currently available for community feedback at
Other surveys currently open for feedback include:
City of Ballarat’s Historical Collections surveyA significance assessment of two of the City of Ballarat's large historical collections, held at Ballarat Town Hall and the Australiana Research Room at Ballarat Central Library, is currently underway.The assessment will establish the importance of the collections compared to others around Australia, and provide recommendations to guide their management and care into the future.This survey is open until Monday 1 October. myBallarat Market ResearchThe City of Ballarat is seeking your feedback about the myBallarat publication that is delivered to your letterbox each quarter.We would like to know what you like and don't like about myBallarat, whether you read the magazine, if the stories are of interest to you and how we can make sure you are receiving the information you want from the City of Ballarat. Draft Social Policy FrameworkThe creation of a ‘Social Policy Framework' is a priority project within the 2017-21 Council Plan. The Framework will provide guidance for the development of policy which impacts on community wellbeing, through the consideration of a consistent set of principles, approaches, roles and responsibilities.This survey is open until Sunday 21 October. Draft Miners Rest Township PlanThe City of Ballarat is partnering with the Miners Rest community to deliver The Miners Rest Plan: Our Township Towards 2040.The draft plan, which was developed following two previous rounds of community consultation, has now been released for further feedback.This survey is open until Monday 1 October. Skate and Tween/Teen Facilities FrameworkThe City of Ballarat has started to review current and future skate and community spaces across Ballarat.To better guide the City of Ballarat for the next 10 years, we are keen to hear from the city’s youths about what components of the Framework they think work well and what components they think need more work.This survey is open until Friday 28 September. Buninyong Township PlanThe City of Ballarat is partnering with the Buninyong community to deliver The Buninyong Plan: Our TownshipTowards 2040. Buninyong is one of six townships participating in theCity of Ballarat’s ‘Local Plans for our Townships’ program.This survey is open until Friday 26 October. Australia Day Award nominationsThe City of Ballarat invites all residents to join us in honouring local people who have made a significant contribution to our community.Nominations close Friday 16 November.