(20/9/2018) Have a Strawberry Sunday in Freo
City of Fremantle 20 Sep 2018

Fremantle will become strawberry central this Sunday in a show of support for WA strawberry growers.

25,000 punnets of local strawberries will be delivered to restaurants and cafes along the Cappuccino Strip, who will be encouraged to create strawberry-inspired dishes and give away strawberries to customers.

Fremantle-based strawberry distributor John Da Silva said Strawberry Sunday was a way for people to show their support for local growers affected by the strawberry contamination scare.

“We’ve got 20 tonnes of strawberries that have been donated from local growers to make this event happen,” Mr Da Silva said.

“Getting lots of people down to Freo on Sunday to enjoy our beautiful WA strawberries would be a fantastic demonstration of confidence in our local industry and a real boost for the growers who are doing it tough at the moment.”

Mayor Brad Pettitt said the City of Fremantle was happy to support Strawberry Sunday.

“Fremantle is famous for its fabulous restaurants and cafes, and I’m sure they’ll be able to come up with some amazing new recipes using fresh WA strawberries,” Mayor Pettitt said.

“Everyone is welcome to come down to Freo for Strawberry Sunday to show the world that WA strawberries are not only safe to eat, they’re also absolutely delicious!”

The City is also planning a range of family-friendly activities, including face painting, live music and more.

Strawberry Sunday is on this Sunday from 12 noon until 3pm.

For more information visit Strawberry Sunday on the What’s On page on the City of Fremantle website.