Dementia Awareness Month is held every year in September and has a theme this year of “Small actions - Big difference”.
The aim of Dementia Awareness month, an awareness program run by Dementia Australia, is to encourage all Australians to become more aware of dementia, to get a better understanding of what it is like to live with dementia and how we can support people living with dementia. There are many small actions people can take to create a big difference for people impacted by dementia, their families and carers.
Lithgow Library will be hosting an informal speaker session with guest speakers who will speak to their own experiences with dementia as well as information on how to access local resources. The session will be followed by a light lunch.
The Dementia Awareness information morning will be held at Lithgow Library, on Thursday 27 September at 11.00am. Please RSVP for catering purposes. For more information about this free event please call Lithgow Library on 63529100.